.. _glossary: ******** Glossary ******** .. glossary:: :sorted: Documents REST Api Arango DB Http Interface for Documents. More details in `RestDocument `_ Collections REST Api This is an introduction to ArangoDB's Http Interface for collections. `HttpCollection `_ Indexes REST Api ArangoDB's Http Interface for Indexes. `HttpIndex `_ Edges REST Api REST API for manipulate I trought HTTP interface of ArangoDB. Documentation about `RestEdge `_ waitForSync This argument may be ``True`` or ``False``. If it's ``True`` then you'll get response from the server when *Document*, *Edge* or *Collection* will be saved on disk. HTTP Interface for AQL Query Cursors *Description of HTTP Cursor REST API* on **ArangoDB** website: `HttpCursor` `_ Arango Query Language (AQL) `Querying documents and graphs in one database with AQL `_